We are looking for good, unique, and fresh content. The content must not be copyrighted. Guest posting is a very good way to get quality traffic and backlinks.

Health Tabloid is open to genuine contributors who can add value and address audience needs. Please make sure to adhere to the guidelines below to increase the chance of your submission being accepted.

Guest Post Guidelines

Please make sure you follow the rules before posting any article on Live Body Mind.

Your article must be high quality, unique, and valuable for readers and search engines.

  • The article must be 1200+ words minimum. Content must have compelling value to our audience.
  • Make sure you put at least 2 relevant links to our existing articles. This is our way to ensure the content is relevant and not off the mark of our blog theme.
  • The article must be well-formatted and should be SEO-rich.
  • The article must be written in Australian Style English and spell-checked.
  • Your article can contain one link to your website and up to one link to your social media network. Make sure to include your links at the end of the article. Write a short bio about yourself and include your links.
  • Links will be NoFollow in nature.
  • The articles must contain relevant images (at least one).
  • We ask that all guest bloggers stop by for a few days and reply to comments on their posts. If anyone does not reply to email or comments within 3-4 days, all links and author bio will be removed.
  • Register as a contributor and submit your articles following the above guidelines. Once you submitted your article, you may send an email to the ela . marie @ rulzz.com giving the article URL and your account details for review. The email subject should be “Article review request for Live Body Mind“.
  • If you do not hear from us or see your article live within a week, you can assume, your article is rejected. Normally the article is removed from the queue.
    Make sure you submit authentic details in your profile data. An account with fake details, identified at any stage will be removed along with all contributions.
    For more queries, use our Contact Form or can also email to ela . marie @ rulzz.com. Do not forget to mention the blog name of your interest as Live Body Mind.