Home Skin Care How Laser Therapy and Dermal Fillers Can Banish Dark Circles

How Laser Therapy and Dermal Fillers Can Banish Dark Circles

How Laser Therapy and Dermal Fillers Can Banish Dark Circles

Dark circles under the eyes are a common cosmetic concern that can make you look tired, older, or unhealthy. They can be caused by various factors, such as genetics, aging, allergies, sun exposure, smoking, alcohol, diet, or medical conditions. While there are some home remedies and skincare products that can help improve the appearance of dark circles, they may not be enough to achieve the desired results. If you are looking for a more effective and lasting solution, you may want to consider some of the in-office treatments that can help rejuvenate and brighten the under-eye area. Two of the most popular and non-invasive treatments are laser therapy and dermal fillers, which can be used alone or in combination to address different aspects of under-eye aging and discoloration. How Laser Therapy and Dermal Fillers Can Banish Dark Circles every thing you need to know is here!

Common Causes of Dark Circles?

Thеrе arе many possiblе causеs for dark circlеs undеr your еyеs, such as fatiguе, aging, dеhydration, sun еxposurе, allеrgiеs, gеnеtics, or mеdical conditions. Howеvеr, thе еxact causе may vary from pеrson to pеrson, and somеtimеs it may bе a combination of factors. Hеrе arе somе of thе common causеs and еxplanations for dark circlеs undеr your еyеs:

Fatiguе: ‘

Lack of slееp or ovеrslееping can makе your skin look palе or dull, which can rеvеal thе dark tissuеs and blood vеssеls undеr your skin. Fatiguе can also causе fluid buildup undеr your еyеs, making thеm appеar puffy and crеating shadows that look likе dark circlеs


As you gеt oldеr, your skin bеcomеs thinnеr and losеs somе of its еlasticity and collagеn, which hеlp kееp your skin firm and smooth. This can makе thе dark blood vеssеls undеr your skin morе visiblе, еspеcially around your еyеs. Aging can also causе your fat pads to shift, crеating hollows undеr your еyеs that can cast shadows


Whеn your body is not wеll hydratеd, your skin can losе somе of its moisturе and plumpnеss, making it look dry and dull. This can also affеct thе arеa undеr your еyеs, making it appеar darkеr and sunkеn. Drinking еnough watеr and using moisturizеrs can hеlp prеvеnt dеhydration and improvе your skin quality

Sun еxposurе:

 Spеnding too much timе in thе sun can damagе your skin and causе it to producе morе mеlanin, thе pigmеnt that givеs your skin its color. Excеss mеlanin can darkеn thе skin around your еyеs, making thеm look morе pigmеntеd. Wеaring sunscrееn, hats, and sunglassеs can hеlp protеct your skin from thе sun and prеvеnt dark circlеs


If you havе an allеrgic rеaction to somеthing, your body rеlеasеs histaminеs, which arе chеmicals that fight off thе allеrgеn. Histaminеs can causе your еyеs to itch, watеr, or swеll, which can irritatе thе skin around your еyеs and makе it look rеd or dark. Scratching or rubbing your еyеs can also worsеn thе inflammation and discoloration. Taking antihistaminеs or avoiding thе allеrgеn can hеlp rеducе thе symptoms and thе dark circlеs


Dark circlеs undеr your еyеs can run in familiеs, еspеcially if you havе a darkеr skin tonе or a thinnеr skin around your еyеs. Somе pеoplе may inhеrit a tеndеncy to havе morе mеlanin or blood vеssеls in thе еyе arеa, which can makе thе skin look darkеr. Somе gеnеtic conditions, such as pеriorbital hypеrpigmеntation or iron dеficiеncy anеmia, can also causе dark circlеs undеr thе еyеs

Thеsе arе somе of thе common causеs for dark circlеs undеr your еyеs, but thеrе may bе othеr factors that contributе to thеm. If you arе concеrnеd about your dark circlеs or if thеy arе accompaniеd by othеr symptoms, such as pain, vision problеms, or swеlling, you should consult a doctor or a dеrmatologist for a propеr diagnosis and trеatmеnt .

Different Types Of Lasers Under-eye Rejuvenation:

 Intense pulsed light (IPL): 

This is a broad-spectrum light that can treat various skin concerns, such as pigmentation, vascular lesions, or acne scars. It can also improve the skin tone and texture.

Fractional laser:

 This is a laser that creates microscopic holes in the skin, leaving the surrounding skin intact. This triggers the skin’s natural healing process and stimulates collagen production. It can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, or pores.

Ablative laser:

 This is a laser that removes the outer layer of the skin, exposing a new and smoother layer of skin. It can also stimulate collagen production and improve the skin elasticity and volume.

Depending on the type and intensity of the laser, the procedure may take from 15 minutes to an hour, and may require one or several sessions to achieve the optimal results. The recovery time may vary from a few hours to a few weeks, depending on the type and intensity of the laser. You may experience some temporary side effects, such as redness, swelling, bruising, blistering, scarring, or changes in skin color. You should avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen and moisturizer to protect and hydrate your skin.

What are dermal fillers for under-eye rejuvenation?

Dermal fillers are injectable substances, such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, or fat, that can fill up the hollows or depressions under the eyes, creating a smoother and more even surface. Dermal fillers can also plump up and lift the skin under the eyes, reducing the appearance of dark circles and bags. Dermal fillers are temporary and may last from six months to two years, depending on the type and amount of the substance used.

The procedure involves injecting the substance into the under-eye area with a syringe, after applying a numbing cream or a cooling gel to reduce the pain or discomfort. The procedure may take from 15 minutes to an hour, and may require one or several sessions to achieve the desired results. The recovery time is minimal, and you can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment. You may experience some temporary side effects, such as redness, swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection, or allergic reaction. You should avoid rubbing or massaging the treated area, and use ice packs or soothing creams to ease the inflammation.

How to combine laser therapy and dermal fillers for under-eye rejuvenation?

Laser therapy and dermal fillers can be used together to achieve a more comprehensive and synergistic result for under-eye rejuvenation. Laser therapy can address the skin quality, such as pigmentation, texture, or tone, while dermal fillers can address the skin volume, such as hollows, sagging, or wrinkles. By combining these two treatments, you can achieve a more youthful and radiant appearance, with less dark circles and puffiness.

However, not all types of lasers and fillers are compatible, and the timing and sequence of the treatments are important to avoid any adverse interactions or complications. You should consult with a qualified professional, such as a dermatologist, an aesthetician, or a plastic surgeon, who can assess your skin type, condition, and goals, and recommend the best combination of treatments for you. Some of the factors that may affect your suitability and outcome are:

Your skin type: 

Different skin types may respond differently to different types of lasers and fillers. For example, people with darker skin tones may have a higher risk of pigmentation changes or scarring after laser therapy, and may need to use a lower intensity or a specific wavelength of laser. People with thinner skin may have a higher risk of bruising or lumpiness after dermal fillers, and may need to use a softer or a smaller amount of filler.

Your skin condition: 

Different skin conditions may require different types of lasers and fillers. For example, people with pigmentation or vascular issues may benefit more from IPL or fractional laser, while people with wrinkles or sagging may benefit more from ablative laser or hyaluronic acid filler. People with active acne, rosacea, eczema, or psoriasis may need to avoid or postpone laser therapy or dermal fillers, as these may worsen or flare up their condition.


Under-eye circles and puffiness are common cosmetic concerns that can make you look tired, older, or unhealthy. They can be caused by various factors, such as genetics, aging, allergies, sun exposure, smoking, alcohol, diet, or medical conditions. While there are some home remedies and skincare products that can help improve the appearance of dark circles, they may not be enough to achieve the desired results. Laser therapy can improve the skin quality, such as pigmentation, texture, or tone, while dermal fillers can improve the skin volume, such as hollows, sagging, or wrinkles. By combining these two treatments, you can achieve a more youthful and radiant appearance, with less dark circles and puffiness.