Home Skin Care The Power of Acne Laser Treatment in Clearing Stubborn Breakouts

The Power of Acne Laser Treatment in Clearing Stubborn Breakouts

The Power of Acne Laser Treatment in Clearing Stubborn Breakouts

Acnе is a common skin condition that affеcts millions of pеoplе worldwidе. It occurs whеn thе porеs of thе skin bеcomе cloggеd with oil, dеad skin cеlls, or bactеria, causing inflammation and infеction. Acnе can causе various typеs of lеsions, such as whitеhеads, blackhеads, papulеs, pustulеs, nodulеs, or cysts, which can appеar on thе facе, chеst, back, or shouldеrs. Acnе can also lеavе bеhind scars, marks, or discoloration, which can affеct thе appеarancе and sеlf-еstееm of thе affеctеd pеrson.

Cost Acne Laser Treatment:

thе cost of lasеr trеatmеnts for acnе variеs dеpеnding on thе typе, intеnsity, duration, and frеquеncy of thе lasеr, thе location, sizе, and dеpth of thе trеatmеnt arеa, thе skin typе and color of thе patiеnt, and thе individual’s rеsponsе to thе trеatmеnt. Howеvеr, basеd on thе avеragе costs rеportеd by somе sourcеs, thе cost of lasеr trеatmеnts for acnе rangеs from approximatеly $1,200 to $2,000 pеr sеssion in thе Unitеd Statеs and from Rs 1,000 to Rs 30,000 pеr sеssion in India. Thеsе costs may not includе thе consultation fееs, thе prе-trеatmеnt and post-trеatmеnt carе, or thе additional sеssions that may bе rеquirеd to achiеvе optimal rеsults.

Types of lasers and lights used to treat acne

Laser and light therapy
Dermatologists use a variety of light and laser therapies to treat acne.

There is no single laser or light treatment that can treat pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, acne cysts, or nodules. As a result, many types of lasers and light therapies are employed to cure acne. The sections that follow clarify what different types of lasers and lights can and cannot treat.

Blue, red, and blue + red light devices: These devices, known as visible light because the colors can be seen, help treat pimples. Visible light does not work on blackheads, whiteheads, acne cysts, or nodules.

At-home devices: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved various visible-light LED devices for at-home use (blue, red, and blue + red light devices). These instruments are not as powerful as those used by dermatologists. As previously indicated, visible light can only treat pimples.

There is no way of knowing who will see the results. If you want to give it a shot, you’ll need to utilize an at-home device twice a day. Some devices require 30 to 60 minutes of use twice daily for 4 to 5 weeks.

Infrared light: The FDA has approved this form of light to treat pimples, especially those on the back. Infrared light cannot be used to cure blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, or nodules.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT): During PDT, a solution that makes the skin more sensitive to light is administered to acne-prone skin. The solution must be left on the skin for 15 to 3 hours. The skin is then treated by a dermatologist using a laser or light instrument.

PDT therapy holds a lot of potential for treating severe acne. After having PDT from a dermatologist, several patients with acne cysts have been clear for years.

Photopneumatic therapy is a treatment that combines an IPL laser with a mild vacuum. It works by eliminating dead skin cells and extra oil from closed pores. It has been approved by the FDA to treat blackheads, whiteheads, and certain pimples. It is unable to treat acne nodules or cysts.

Depending on the type and intensity of the laser, the procedure may take from 15 minutes to an hour, and may require one or several sessions to achieve the optimal results. The recovery time may vary from a few hours to a few weeks, depending on the type and intensity of the laser. You may experience some temporary side effects, such as redness, swelling, bruising, blistering, scarring, or changes in skin color. You should avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen and moisturizer to protect and hydrate your skin.

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How does acne laser treatment work?

Acne laser treatment works by targeting the acne-causing factors in the skin, such as oil, bacteria, or inflammation, and destroying them with heat or light. This reduces the number and severity of acne lesions, and prevents new ones from forming. Acne laser treatment can also improve the appearance of acne scars, marks, or discoloration, by stimulating collagen production and enhancing the skin texture and tone.

The mechanism of action of acne laser treatment varies depending on the type of laser used, such as:


IPL works by emitting a broad-spectrum light that penetrates the skin and reaches the pigment (melanin) or blood vessels in the acne lesions. The light heats up and destroys the melanin-producing cells (melanocytes) or the blood vessel walls, reducing the redness, inflammation, or discoloration of the acne lesions. IPL can also improve the skin tone and texture by removing the dead skin cells and stimulating the growth of new skin cells.

Fractional laser:

Fractional laser works by creating microscopic holes in the skin, which trigger the skin’s natural healing process and stimulate collagen production. The holes are surrounded by intact skin, which helps the healing and reduces the risk of infection or scarring. Fractional laser can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, or pores, by smoothing and tightening the skin.

Ablative laser:

Ablative laser works by removing the outer layer of the skin, which contains the acne lesions, scars, marks, or discoloration. The removal of the damaged skin exposes a new and smoother layer of skin, which has less pigmentation, inflammation, or infection. Ablative laser can also stimulate collagen production and improve the skin elasticity and volume, by heating up the deeper layers of the skin.

Non-ablative laser:

Non-ablative laser works by heating up the deeper layers of the skin, without damaging the surface. The heat causes the oil glands to shrink and produce less oil, which reduces the clogging of the pores and the growth of bacteria. The heat also stimulates collagen production and improves the skin elasticity and volume, by plumping up and lifting the skin

What are the benefits of acne laser treatment?

Acne laser treatment can offer several benefits for people who suffer from stubborn breakouts, such as:

  • It can reduce the number and severity of acne lesions, and prevent new ones from forming, by destroying the oil, bacteria, or inflammation in the skin.
  • It can improve the appearance of acne scars, marks, or discoloration, by stimulating collagen production and enhancing the skin texture and tone.
  • It can reduce the need for oral or topical medications, which may have side effects or limited efficacy. It can improve the self-esteem and confidence of the affected person, by restoring a clearer and smoother complexion.

What are the risks and side effects of acne laser treatment?

Acne laser treatment is generally safe and well-tolerated by most patients, who may feel some heat or tingling sensations during the procedure, but no pain or discomfort. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, there are some potential risks and side effects that you should be aware of, such as:

Pain or discomfort:

You may feel some pain or discomfort during or after the treatment, depending on your pain tolerance and the intensity of the laser. Your professional may adjust the settings or apply a numbing cream or a cooling gel to reduce the sensation. You may also take some over-the-counter painkillers if needed.

Redness or swelling:

You may experience some redness or swelling in the treated area for a few hours or days after the treatment. This is normal and should subside on its own. You can apply some ice packs or soothing creams to ease the inflammation.

Blistering or scarring:

In rare cases, you may develop some blisters or scars in the treated area due to excessive heat or infection. This can be prevented by following proper aftercare instructions and avoiding sun exposure. If you notice any signs of infection, such as pus, fever, or increased pain, contact your professional immediately.

Changes in skin color:

You may notice some changes in your skin color after the treatment, such as darkening (hyperpigmentation) or lightening (hypopigmentation). This is more likely to occur if you have darker skin tones or if you expose your skin to the sun before or after the treatment. This can be minimized by using sunscreen and avoiding tanning products.

Eye injury:

In rare cases, you may experience an eye injury due to the exposure to the laser light. This can be prevented by wearing protective goggles or eye shields during the treatment.

How to prepare for acne laser treatment?

To prepare for your acne laser treatment, you should follow these steps:

Consult with your professional:

Before you book your appointment, you should consult with your professional about your medical history, skin type, and expectations. They will assess your suitability for the treatment and recommend the best type of laser and treatment plan for you. They will also explain the treatment, the risks, and the aftercare instructions, and answer any questions you may have.

Avoid sun exposure:

You should avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks before and after your treatment. Sun exposure can increase the risk of skin damage, pigmentation changes, and infection. You should also avoid tanning products, such as creams, sprays, or beds.

Clean your skin:

You should clean your skin with mild soap and water before your treatment. This will remove any dirt, oil, or residue that may interfere with the laser. Do not apply any deodorant, perfume, lotion, or makeup on your skin.

Stop or adjust your medications:

You should inform your professional if you are taking any medications, such as blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs, or antibiotics, as these may interfere with the treatment or cause adverse reactions. You may need to stop or adjust your dosage before or after the treatment, as instructed by your professional.

How to care for your skin after acne laser treatment?

To care for your skin after acne laser treatment, you should follow these tips:

Apply ice packs or cooling gels:

You may apply ice packs or cooling gels to your skin as needed to reduce pain, swelling, or redness. Do not use hot compresses or heating pads, as this may worsen the inflammation.

Moisturize your skin:

You may moisturize your skin with a gentle and fragrance-free lotion or cream to soothe and hydrate your skin. Do not use alcohol-based or harsh products, as this may dry out or irritate your skin.

Protect your skin from the sun:

You should protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day. You should also avoid direct sun


In the relentless battle against stubborn breakouts, acne laser treatment emerges as a powerful ally, offering hope and effective solutions to those plagued by persistent skin issues. Throughout this exploration of the transformative capabilities of acne laser treatment, it becomes abundantly clear that this advanced technology is more than just a cosmetic procedure—it is a game-changer in the realm of dermatology.

Acne laser treatment, with its precision and potency, addresses the root causes of acne, tackling not just the symptoms but also the underlying factors that trigger breakouts. By harnessing the energy of focused laser beams, this therapy penetrates deep into the skin, targeting overactive sebaceous glands and the bacteria responsible for acne. The result is a remarkable reduction in inflammation, redness, and, most importantly, the occurrence of stubborn blemishes.